Search the WHOIS database

The WHOIS database is a searchable list of every single domain currently registered in the world. When someone searches for the name of a website on WHOIS, they’ll find the registrant’s contact info, the dates of domain creation and expiration, and the names of the domain’s registrar and hosting services. Accredited registrars are required by the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to publish this information as soon as a domain is registered.

Why Check WHOIS?

There are many reasons why someone might want to know information that can be found with a WHOIS search. Often, people want to find out when a domain they’re interested in is going to expire. Or they could have a specific need to get in contact with an online business owner. But there is another reason that people check the WHOIS website, and that is to spam and scam people. The WHOIS database is full of information that can be mined and used to phish, harass, or spam domain owners.

So, Everyone Can See My Information?

If your domain registrar doesn’t offer WHOIS privacy, then yes. WHOIS reports the following information: your name, your address, your phone number, and your email address. Once your information is listed with WHOIS, it’s freely available to anyone looking up your domain name. This can increase your risk of becoming a victim to spam or data mining.

How Can I Protect My Privacy?

To keep your personal data from falling into the wrong hands, Epik will keep your information private at no extra cost to you. We offer automatic domain privacy through Anonymize.com instead of allowing your private information to be displayed online for all to see. Your info is secure, and any messages sent to you will still be forwarded along. If, on the other hand, you do want people to be able to contact you directly, just let us know and we can put that information through to WHOIS.